What is well-formedness and validity in the context of xml?

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13902669

1. Imagine that you are asked to provide advice on implementing web services for a site. Discuss the merits and drawbacks of SOAP- and REST-based web services and for XML versus JSON as a REST data format.

2. Let us design our own CarML language. Define XML tags for describing your car and your friends' cars using these tags. Think about what properties should be defined as attributes and what properties are best described as elements. Make sure your documents are well-formed.

3. Define an XML DTD for CarML. You may want to revisit XML documents you defined in the previous exercise and rethink the element and attribute structure as you are defining the DTD. In the end, all your car specifications should be valid XML documents.

4. Define an XML Schema equivalent to the XML DTD from the previous exercise. Compare the two.

5. Are there constraints that can be expressed using XML Schema but not DTD? Provide examples.

6. What type of element should be used in an XML schema for the following XML document?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<lees_emailxmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="lee_schema.xsd">

<to>To: Bob Roberts</to>

<subject>Lawn Maintenance</subject>

<date_sent>August 3 </date_sent>

<body>We will be out to mow your lawn this week</body><closing>See you then! Warm regards, Lee</closing>


7. Construct a threat model for an online ticket reservation system. For each threat, include an attacker profile (goal, experience, resources), the specific objective of the attack, the possible methods of attack, and the harm that would result from a successful attack.

8. What is well-formedness and validity in the context of XML? How do they differ? Is every well-formed document valid? Why? Is every valid document well-formed? Why?

Reference no: EM13902669

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