What is welfare

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Reference no: EM132432290

Discussion: The Effects of Means-Tested Social Programs Assignment

  1. What is welfare?
  2. When you hear the word "welfare," do you picture images of individuals who are facing hard times?

While there is more than one type of social program available in the United States to those who need it, social welfare programs like TANF provide assistance to families in need through government tax revenues. Programs like these are often referred to as "public assistance" or "means-tested programs." These programs have eligibility criteria that are based on the individual's or the family's household income and assets. Do these types of programs exist in your state or region? If so, what are the criteria? If you encountered a client like Eboni Logan, from the Logan Family video, who soon will become a mother, how might you best assist her in obtaining benefits from these types of programs?

  • For this Discussion, review this week's resources, including the Logan Family video case. Consider the means-tested programs that might be available to her in your state or region. Then, think about the likely long-term outcomes for Eboni and her child, if she chooses to parent. Finally, reflect on the state welfare policies that might help her manage the responsibilities of parenthood.

Question 1: Post a brief explanation of the means-tested programs that might be available to Eboni. Be sure your answer is specific to the means-tested programs available in your state or region.

Question 2: Then, explain the potential long-term outcomes for Eboni and her child, if she chooses to parent.

Question 3: Finally, explain the state public assistance policies that might help Eboni manage the responsibilities of parenthood.

  • Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references

Reference no: EM132432290

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