What is visual basics for application why do we need vba

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131155735

1. What is Visual Basics for Application (VBA) Why do we need VBA?

2. Come up with one question about VBA for peers to research and answer.

Response MUST be at least 500 words.

You MUST use two web sites or relevant articles and information to support answer. Then answers must be in cited in APA format.

Reference no: EM131155735

Questions Cloud

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What is the dew temperature at 1 bar : You are requested to flash the mixture so that the liquid stream is 85% of the inlet (by mol). If the pressure is 1.5 bar, what temperature should be used?
Thoughts about adam smith theory : Please reflect on your thoughts about Adam Smith's theory. Market competition ensures the pursuit of self-interest in markets advances the public's welfare which is a utilitarian argument. Government interference in markets lowers the public's wel..
What is visual basics for application why do we need vba : What is Visual Basics for Application (VBA) Why do we need VBA? Come up with one question about VBA for peers to research and answer.
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Why was a risk management plan considered unnecessary : Why was a risk management plan considered unnecessary? Should risk management planning be performed in the proposal stage or after contract award, assuming that it must be done
How does an ethics committee educate other people : I want to touch on the first function of educating physicians, staff, patients and the community. What does this mean to you? How does an ethics committee educate other people? How far do you feel that their role should reach? How much impact..
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