What is used for accessing a resource that you can read

Assignment Help PHP Web Programming
Reference no: EM131320221


Session management is used to track user activity, including the login and logout (or the beginning and end of a user session) of a Web application, otherwise known as "state." Because HTTP is a stateless technology, HTTP has no inherent method of tracking state or managing sessions. Therefore, session data is managed by the server (Sessions) or is read from the browser (Cookies). There are advantage and disadvantages to both methods.

Please respond to all of the following prompts:

• Identify the pros and cons of using cookies.
• Identify the pros and cons of using Sessions.
• Explain the primary focus you should have in designing Web applications?


This assignment will review Chapters 8 and 10 to reinforce the concepts we learned about manipulating data in records and with error-handling. Answer the following discussion questions in a Word file for submission:

• What is used for accessing a resource that you can read from and write to?
• What does the Input stream do?
• What special type of variable is used by PHP to represent a resource such as a file?
• What would happen if more than one program attempted to write data to a text file at the same time?
• To iterate through the entries in a directory, you open a handle to the directory with what function?
• When would you use the mysqli_select_db() function?
• What is meant by "bullet-proofing?"
• In PHP, the mysqli_query() function is used to send SQL statements to what?
• What statements in the mysqli_query() function create a new database?
• What is meant by a PROXY?

Reference no: EM131320221

Questions Cloud

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Obstruct the resolution of three themes : Discuss how a Human Rights Approach may aid or obstruct the resolution of these three themes:
What is used for accessing a resource that you can read : What is used for accessing a resource that you can read from and write to? What does the Input stream do? What special type of variable is used by PHP to represent a resource such as a file?
Augustine and socrates both acknowledge : St. Augustine and Socrates both acknowledge that the perfect city cannot exist in this world. For each of them, what is it about the nature of human beings and of political life that makes this impossible?
State which of the sets represent nonlinear equations : Convert each of the following second-order differential equations into a set of two first-order differential equations (state equations). State which of the sets represent nonlinear equations.
What would you do if you were the it manager today : Taking the London Ambulance Service case study, what would you do if you were the IT manager today, to prevent the same mistakes from repeating
History behind the black soldier of the civil war : Explain the history behind the Black Soldier of the Civil War. In this forum look beyond the book for information on specific units, soldiers and even the reasons for why Lincoln allowed the African American to service in the war.


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