What is triangulation and why is it used in research

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Reference no: EM133104189 , Length: word count:1000

MS7400 Media Research Methods - University of Leicester

Research Reflection Report

In completing the assignment, students must reference a minimum of three academic sources which are listed in a bibliography at the end of the document (not included in the word count).

Why: The purpose of the assignment is to ensure you understand the key theories, processes and designs of research.

In doing so, it fulfils Intended Learning Outcomes

A) The nature of research and the research process;

B) Major conceptual developments and debates within the field;

C) Key principles in ethical research; and

F) Academic integrity in their submitted work through appropriate use of academic citation and referencing conventions in their discipline (for example in directly quoting or paraphrasing the work of others).

Research Reflection Report

1. What is triangulation and why is it used in research?

2. What makes a question researchable/viable?

3. What are TWO common features of quantitative research?

4. List THREE key ethical principles in social science research.

5. What is non-random sampling and when is it best used in research design?

6. List THREE reasons why content analysis has been a popular method for social scientists.

7. What is a Likert scale and when is it best used in survey research?

8. List THREE analysis procedures in corpus linguistics and briefly describe their use in analysis of mediated communication.

9. What are THREE things you need to consider when organizing and/or conducting focus groups?

10. List TWO challenges faced when doing online research and how can they be overcome?

11. List THREE key concepts in semiotic analysis and briefly describe why they are helpful in communication analysis.

Attachment:- Research Reflection Report.rar


Reference no: EM133104189

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MS7400 Media Research Methods Assignment : MS7400 Media Research Methods Assignment Help and Solution, University of Leicester - Assessment Writing Service - Major conceptual developments and debates


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