What is traditional leader-follower theory

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Reference no: EM132192645


1. What is traditional Leader-Follower Theory? What does Raelin (2015) mean by "in fast moving business environments, we can't keep dampening the energy and creativity of those condemned to follower status,"?

2. Evaluate the statement made by Sutter as cited by Raelin (2015) "trying to impose a command-and-control structure doesn't work...you can't expect to be able to scale, transform and win if you're not creating agile models. If it's top-down, it moves too slowly." What are your thoughts in regards to this statement?

3. Reflect and discuss your thoughts in regards to what Raelin (2015) suggested by the following statement,"We need to study instances of failure, dissonance, crisis and obstruction in the workplace - or even surprises that spur creativity." How could this help management and leadership within the workplace?

Reference no: EM132192645

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