What is total daily service cost for the single teller model

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131281639

Question 1.1.Slack time in a network is the:
amount of time that an activity would take assuming very unfavorable conditions.
shortest amount of time that could be required to complete the activity.
amount of time that you would expect it would take to complete the activity.
difference between the expected completion time of the project using pessimistic times and the expected completion time of the project using optimistic times.
amount of time that an activity can be delayed without delaying the entire project

Question 2.2.Given an activity's optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time estimates of 4, 12, and 18 days respectively, what is the PERT variance for this activity?
None of the above

Question 3.3.The expected time in PERT is:
a weighted average of the most optimistic time, most pessimistic time, and four times the most likely time
the modal time of a beta distribution
a simple average of the most optimistic, most likely, and most pessimistic times
the square root of the sum of the variances of the activities on the critical path
none of the above

Question 4.4.The shortest-route technique might be used by someone planning a vacation in order to minimize the required amount of driving.

Question 5.5.Practically speaking, multiple optimal solutions ________
are infeasible
are unbounded
are degenerate
are unbalanced
provide management with greater flexibility in selecting and using resources

Question 6.6. An airline company tracks the number of lost bags that occur each day. This is best monitored by which of the following control charts?
x-bar chart
None of the above

Question 7.7.Which tableau is the solution to the transportation problem depicted below? Click here to view a Word version of the table
Click here to view a Word version of the table.
Click here to view a Word version of the table.
Click here to view a Word version of the table.
Click here to view a Word version of the table.
None of the above

Question 8.8.Consider the following linear programming problem.
Maximize 5X1+ 3X2
Subject to:
X1+ X2 = 20
X1 = 5
X2 = 10
X1, X2 = 0
Using Excel QM, what are the optimal values of X1and X2respectively?

Question 9.9. In queuing theory, the calling population is another name for __________.
the queue size
the servers
the arrivals
the service rate
the market researchers

Question 10.10.Which of the following functions is not linear?
5X + 3Z
3X + 4Y + Z - 3
2X + 5YZ
2X - 5Y + 2Z

Question 11.11.Consider the following linear programming model:
Maximize X12+ X2 + 3X3
Subject to:
X1 + X2 ? 3
X1 + X2 ? 1
X1, X2 ? 0
This problem violates which of the following assumptions?

Question 12.12.Customers enter the waiting line to pay for food as they leave a cafeteria on a first-come, first-served basis. The arrival rate follows a Poisson distribution, while service times follow an exponential distribution. If the average number of arrivals is four per minute and the average service rate of a single server is seven per minute, what proportion of the time is the server busy?

Question 13.13.A certain firm has four different operations that must be assigned to four locations. The profit (in thousands of dollars) associated with each operation at each location is presented below. The firm's vice president would like to assign the various operations so that the total profit is maximized. Find the appropriate assignments.
Click here to view an Excel version of the table
Using the data in the table, what is the optimal location for Operation Y?

Question 14.14.A certain firm has four different operations that must be assigned to four locations. The profit (in thousands of dollars) associated with each operation at each location is presented below. The firm's vice president would like to assign the various operations so that the total profit is maximized. Find the appropriate assignments.
Click here to view an Excel version of the table
Using the data in the table, what is the optimal location for Operation Z?

Question 15.15.A company can decide how many additional labor hours to acquire for a given week. Subcontractor workers will only work a maximum of 20 hours a week. The company must produce at least 200 units of product A, 300 units of product B, and 400 units of product C. In 1 hour of work, worker 1 can produce 15 units of product A, 10 units of product B, and 30 units of product C. Worker 2 can produce 5 units of product A, 20 units of product B, and 35 units of product C. Worker 3 can produce 20 units of product A, 15 units of product B, and 25 units of product C. Worker 1 demands a salary of $50/hr, worker 2 demands a salary of $40/hr, and worker 3 demands a salary of $45/hr. The company must choose how many hours they should contract with each worker to meet their production requirements and minimize labor cost

Assuming this is a linear programming problem, which of the following is the optimal solution?
X1= 7.69; X2= 0; X3= 9.23
X1= 0; X2= 7.69; X3= 9.23
X1 = 0; X2 = 9.23; X3 = 7.69
X1= 9.23; X2= 7.69; X3= 0

Question 16.16.Both transportation and assignment problems are members of a category of LP techniques called __________.
transshipment problems
Hungarian problems
source-destination problems
supply and demand problems
network flow problems

Question 17.17. In a maximization problem, when one or more of the solution variables and the profit can be made infinitely large without violating any constraints, the linear program has:
an infeasible solution
an unbounded solution
a redundant constraint
alternate optimal solutions
none of the above

Question 18.18.Which of the following distributions is most often used to estimate the arrival pattern?
Negative exponential

Question 19.19.Click here to view a Word version of the table.

The average range of a process for packaging cereal is 1.1 ounces. Assume the sample size is 10. Using the data in the table above, what is the lower control chart limit for the sample averages?
None of the above

Question 20.20.Bank Boston has a branch at Bryant College. The branch is busiest at the beginning of the college year when freshmen and transfer students open accounts. This year, freshmen arrived at the office at a rate of 40 per day (assume 8-hour days). On average, it takes the Bank Boston staff person about ten minutes to process each account application. The bank is considering having one or two tellers. Each teller is paid $12 per hour and the cost of waiting in line is assumed to be $8 per hour.
What is the total daily waiting cost for the single teller model?

Question 21.21.A certain firm has four different operations that must be assigned to four locations. The profit (in thousands of dollars) associated with each operation at each location is presented below. The firm's vice president would like to assign the various operations so that the total profit is maximized. Find the appropriate assignments
Click here to view an Excel version of the table
Using the data in the table, what is the optimal location for Operation X?

Question 22.22.Which of the following is not a property of linear programs?
One objective function
At least two separate feasible regions
Alternative courses of action
One or more constraints
Objective function and constraints are linear

Question 23.23.The shortest-route technique might be logically used for:
finding the longest time to travel between two points
finding the shortest travel distance between two points
finding the most scenic route to allow travel to several places during a trip on spring break
connecting all the points of a network together while minimizing the distance between them
none of the above

Question 24.24. Infeasibility in a linear programming problem occurs when:
there is an infinite solution
a constraint is redundant
more than one solution is optimal
the feasible region is unbounded
there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints given

Question 25.25.Lines connecting nodes on a network are called links.

Question 26.26. In a PERT network, the latest (activity) start time is:
the earliest time that an activity can be finished without delaying the entire project
the latest time that an activity can be started without delaying the entire project
the earliest time that an activity can start without violation of precedence requirements
the latest time that an activity can be finished without delaying the entire project
none of the above

Question 27.27.The shortest-route model assumes that one is trying to connect two end points in the shortest manner possible, rather than attempting to connect all the nodes in the model.

Question 28.28.A suburban specialty restaurant has developed a single drive-thru window. Customers order, pay, and pick up their food at the same window. Arrivals follow a Poisson distribution while service times follow an exponential distribution. If the average number of arrivals is 6 per hour and the service rate is 2 every 15 minutes, what proportion of the time is the server busy?

Question 29.29.When using a general LP model for transportation problems, if there are 4 sources and 3 destinations, which of the following statements is true?
There are typically 4 decision variables and 3 constraints
There are typically 12 decision variables and 7 constraints
There are typically 7 decision variables and 7 constraints
There are typically 12 decision variables and 12 constraints
There are typically 12 decision variables and 3 constraints.

Question 30.30.The work breakdown structure involves identifying the __________ for each activity.

Question 31.31.The points on the network are referred to as nodes.

Question 32.32.Variations that usually occur in a process are called __________.
process variations
natural variations
control variations
assignable variations
none of the above

Question 33.33.Consider the following linear programming model:
Minimize 2X1 + 3X2
Subject to:
X1 + X2 ≤ 4
X1 ≥ 2
X1, X2 ≥ 0
This linear programming model has:
a unique optimal solution.
an unbounded solution.
an infeasible solution.
an alternate optimal solution.
redundant constraints.

Question 34.34.An automatic car wash is an example of a constant service time model.

Question 35.35.Which of the following is not an assumption of LP?

Question 36.36.A widely used mathematical programming technique designed to help managers and decision making relative to resource allocation is called __________.
linear programming
computer programming
constraint programming
goal programming
None of the above

Question 37.37.CPM stands for __________.
critical path management
critical project management
critical project method
critical path method
centralized project management

Question 38.38.According to the table below, there are five activities in a PERT project
Click here to view a Word version of the table
Using the data in the table, which activities are on the critical path?

Question 39.39.The school of business has 3 fax machines. The toner in each machine needs to be changed after about 5 hours of use. There is one unit secretary who is responsible for the fax machine maintenance. It takes him 15 minutes to replace the toner cartridge. What is the probability the system is empty?
. 8578
. 8696
None of the above

Question 40.40.The expected time in PERT is:
greater than the most likely time.
equal to the most likely time.
less than the most likely time.
any of the above.
None of the above.

Question 41.41. PERT stands for
probabilistic evaluation and review technique
program evaluation and review technique
probability of expected run times
program of expected run times
project evaluation and review technique

Question 42.42.What type of problems use LP to decide how much of each product to make, given a series of resource restrictions?
Resource mix
Resource restriction
Product restriction
Resource allocation
Product mix

Question 43.43.In the term linear programming, the word programming comes from the phrase "computer programming."

Question 44.44.Which of the following is not a property of all linear programming problems?
The presence of restrictions
Optimization of some objective
A computer program
Alternate courses of action to choose from
Usage of only linear equations and inequalities

Question 45.45.A technique that allows a researcher to determine the greatest amount of material that can move through a network is called __________.

Question 46.46.Bank Boston has a branch at Bryant College. The branch is busiest at the beginning of the college year when freshmen and transfer students open accounts. This year, freshmen arrived at the office at a rate of 40 per day (assume 8-hour days). On average, it takes the Bank Boston staff person about ten minutes to process each account application. The bank is considering having one or two tellers. Each teller is paid $12 per hour and the cost of waiting in line is assumed to be $8 per hour.
What is the total daily service cost for the single teller model?

Question 47.47.Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to:
4X + 3Y = 480
2X + 3Y = 360
all variables = 0
The maximum possible value for the objective function is __________.
none of the above

Question 48.48.Which of the following is a basic assumption of linear programming?
The condition of uncertainty exists
Independence exists for the activities
Proportionality exists in the objective function and constraints
Divisibility does not exist, allowing only integer solutions
Solutions or variables may take values from -? to +?.

Question 49.49.Thec-chart is useful when we:
take a number of measurements and compute the average
take a number of measurements and compute the ranges
find the fraction of the production lot defective
find the number of defective items in a production lot
None of the above is correct

Question 50.50.The customer who arrives at a bank, sees a long line, and leaves to return another time is __________.

Reference no: EM131281639

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