Reference no: EM131238090
Q1. In a building construction project, 7,500 feet of insulated ductwork is required. The ductwork is made from 14-gauge steel costing $8.50 per pound. The 24-inch-diameter duct weighs 15 pounds per foot. Insulation for the ductwork costs $10 per foot. Engineering design will cost $16,000, and labor to install the ductwork will amount to $180,000. What is the total cost of the installed ductwork for this project?
Q2. A small textile plant was constructed in 2004. The major equipment, costs, and factors are shown below. Estimate the cost to build a new plant in 2014 if the index for this type of equipment has increased at an average rate of 12% per year for the past 10 years. Select the closest answer.
(a) $4,618,000 (b) $10,623,000
(c) $14,342,000 (d) $14,891,000
Q3. How much interest is payable each year on a loan of $2,000 if the interest rate is 10% per year when half of the loan principal will be repaid as a lump sum at the end of four years and the other half will be repaid in one lump-sum amount at the end of eight years? How much interest will be paid over the eight-year period?
Q4. It is estimated that you will pay about $80,000 into the Social Security system (FICA) over your 40-year work span. For simplicity, assume this is an annuity of $2,000 per year, starting with your 26th birthday and continuing through your 65th birthday.
Q5. A mutual fund investment is expected to earn II% per year for the next 25 years. If inflation will average 3% per year during this 25-year period of time, what is the compounded value (in today's dollars) of this savings vehicle when $10,000 is invested now?