Reference no: EM132921770
Using your cell phone or any other recording device, create a short video advising a fellow student who shares your time management style. You don't have to edit or create a professional-grade film. You've most likely have done this type of recording already on social media, so use the same informal conversational tone. If you are unable to record, please write a letter.
Think of your audience as a fellow students who is interested to learn about time-management. For instance, if you like to get things done as soon as possible, write to a fellow early bird.
If you need a bit of help on what to write about, address the following:
Question 1: What is your time-management style?
Question 2: What are your strengths?
Question 3: What are your challenges?
Question 4: What are your tips for success? In other words, what advice would you give to this student?