Reference no: EM131481090 , Length: 8
A. What is this ethnography about? (take this from your proposal)
B. What is the plan of this report?
The Setting
A. Can you describe the physical setting and social situation related to the cultural scene?
B. What are the major kinds or categories of behavior, beliefs, and worldviews found in this cultural scene?
C. Can you include the different kinds of information (your question areas & their answers) that you obtained in your interviews?
Field Work Methods
A. Why did you select this cultural scene?
B. How did you make contact with informants?
C. How did your interviews go? What would you do to improve them?
D. What influenced the selection of your data?
E. Did you have any special problems?
A. Can you make any tentative interpretations about this cultural scene?
B. How do you now come to understand this scene?
C. What are the similarities between this scene and other similar scenes (see "Final Report" sheet)
D. How typical is your scene in terms of local Emirati or..exquat4ulture (see "Final Report" sheet)
E. What would you do if this project were larger and longer? What areas might you go in to for future research?
A mini ethnography about a beauty salon and there is some examples to have more information about the topic.
Attachment:- Interviews.rar