What is the weight of the heaviest convict

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131480101

Assignment: Data Management - SQL

Use the tables listed at the end of this document to answer the following questions. Please submit both the question and the SQL statement for that question. You may simply edit this document by adding your answers below each question.

Submit via D2L. Name the file yourlastnameExam1Part2 [ie murrayexam2part2.docx].

There are 15 questions - Questions 1-8 are worth 3 pts; questions 9-15 are worth 4 pts.

SQL Commands

After each question, construct the SQL statement that answers the question. When specific attributes are not asked for, you may choose which attributes you wish to display.

Part I: Constructing SQL Commands

After each question, construct the SQL statement that answers the question.

1) List all the information about the convicts sorted by last name.

2) What is the weight of the heaviest convict?

3) List the make of the vehicles. No duplicates.

4) How many officers are there by rank?

5) On what date(s) did convicts escape while being transported?

6) List the officers (last name and first name) whose Last name starts with the letter J.

7) Which convicts, by name, have a transport record?

8) List the convicts whose last names are White, Black or Brown [use the IN keyword].

9) List the number of convicts by height for those whose heights are more than 67 inches.

10) List the officers' names and rank who are either waiting or in route to transport a convict.

11) List the names of the convicts who were inroute on 03/25/2015 and weighed less than 200 pounds.

12) Which convict [first and last name] did Officer Banks transport in the blue van? (Provide the SQL query not the answer.)

13) List the names of the convicts and their status who have been transported and also the names of the convicts who have not been transported.

14) List the names of the convicts that were transported, the names of the officer who transported them, the make and model of the vehicle they were transported in and the date they were transported.

15) Create a view that lists all sergeants. Change the output column name.

Reference no: EM131480101

Questions Cloud

Determine the equilibrium point and draw a supply curve : Using a product of your choice along with prices and quantities you select, create a tutorial that will teach somebody how to draw a supply curve, a demand.
Decide the main goals that you would like to achieve : Decide the main goals that you would like to achieve within the next year and the mains goals that you would like to achieve within the next five years.
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Explain the changing social and organizational effects : Project Management (COMP 1009) - Identify and explain the changing social and organizational effects, on both individuals and society as a whole.
What is the weight of the heaviest convict : What is the weight of the heaviest convict? List the make of the vehicles. List the officer (last name and first name) whose Last name starts with the letter J.
Difficult for health plans to develop and maintain network : Identify a situation that may make it difficult for health plans to develop and maintain a network.
Illustrate the effects of the shock using the is-lm-fx model : For each of the following situations, use the IS-LM-FX model to illustrate the effects of the shock. For each case, state the effect of the shock.
Describe the enterprise resource planning system : Describe the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system(s) found in a healthcare organization. How could they be improved?
Courts in the united states have little power : Courts in the United States have little power to change the terms of a valid will, even if some of its terms seem unfair to people who would normally expect.


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