What is the vapor fraction when the first liquid boils off

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131155902

Problem 8.9:

Carbon tetrachloride (1) and water (2) are essentially immiscible liquids. A stream contains 80% CCl4 by mole and the remaining is water. The temperature is 100 °C.

a) If the pressure is 4 bar, what is the phase of the stream, liquid, vapor, or vapor, liquid mixture?

b) If the pressure is 2 bar, what is the phase?

c) A liquid with overall composition x1 = 0.8 is brought to its bubble pressure at 100 °C. Which liquid boils off first?

d) What is the vapor fraction when the first liquid boils off? Explain your answers. Additional data: The saturation pressure of CCl4 at 100 °C is 1.95 bar.

Reference no: EM131155902

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