What is the value of the maximum flow

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13944405

This is a problem about Network Flows.

A. The Edmonds Karp max-flow algorithm uses Breadth First Search to find the augmenting path. What is the running time of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm to find the maximum flow?

B. Here is a flow network. Trace the execution of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm to find the maximum flow. Draw a separate picture for each augmenting step - clearly showing the residual graph and the flow network. What is the value of the maximum flow?

C. What is the value of the maximum flow? (Your answer should be a number.

D. Give a minimum cut for this flow network. (Your answer should be two sets of vertices, S and T.)

Attachment:- Network Flows problem.doc

Reference no: EM13944405

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