What is the value of angiomax to customers

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13870840

Marketing Research

The Assignment is already completed. If you see the medicine doc you can find the step by step answer there. That means the assignment is fully completed within 2 pages. Actually i don't need to write anything more. But just i was thinking if i add some math based on the instruction file, that will be fine for me. That's why i sent the full doc and told you to add some math like the Life Time Value of a customer or as per your own thinking. But you give the price for full Assignment i think. I again say to you i don't need to write any word or anything.

All the word/requirement is completed into medicine doc. I just need to add some math like for the Life Time Value of a customer or your thinking that relates to the writing or match with it.

This case memo write-up is to be completed and submitted individually, but please feel free to work in groups and discuss the case and your approach to solving it and your solution with your teammates/ classmates. The write-up should not exceed 2 pages (12 point Times New Roman, 1 inch margins). The questions below are here just to guide your thinking. Please use the suggested format for short case memo at the end of the syllabus. No late submissions please.

Case: The Medicines Company

The Medicines Company was founded in 1996 for the purpose of acquiring or "rescuing" drugs abandoned by other drug companies, completing their development, and bringing them to market. Its first acquisition, in early 1997, was "Angiomax"-a blood-thinning drug used in angioplasty procedures. In December 2000, it received FDA approval for Angiomax. Now it must bring it to market. Complicating this task is the fact that Angiomax is designed to replace heparin, the most widely used blood-thinning drug in coronary medicine. But heparin sells for about $2 per dose while the cost to make Angiomax is $40 per dose.


What is the value of Angiomax to customers?

What price should the Medicines Company charge for a dose of Angiomax? Why?

Will this be an easy sell or a tough sell? Why?

If you were the Medicines Company, how would you promote adoption?

What do you think of the Medicines Company's business model of "rescuing" abandoned drugs?


This is the suggested format for writing-up a brief case analysis. You can use bullet-points format to present your arguments. If your case memo exceeds 2 pages, it is TOO long!


This very short paragraph states the problem you are facing, your objectives, and your recommendation.

State the problem you need to solve.

State your objective (e.g., growth, profitability, developing strategy in response to competitive moves or changing tech/ consumer environment, etc.)

Briefly state your recommendation (WHAT and main reason WHY, but not HOW)


- Is the situation/ problem clear?

- Is there a clearly stated purpose/objective?

- Is the recommendation clear and consistent with the objective and situation?


This paragraph explains why we are talking about this today and what we are dealing with.

Highlight what brought us to this moment, why we are in this position, what brought about the need to make this decision.

Discuss the most important factors affecting your decision and relevant constraints imposed by the environment: Company (budget, capabilities, technology, people, etc.), Customers (segmentation, decision making process, tastes, etc.), Competition (capabilities, resources, objectives, strategy, etc.), Collaborators, and Context.

This section is both brief and factual.

- Is the situation clear, concise, and easy to understand?

- Does it explain why action is needed now?

- Does the appropriate sense of urgency come across?


Here, you detail what to do, and what not to do.

First, state your options.

Then, state your recommendation and the details of "what," "when," and "how."

This section should be very specific. The reader should be able to read this and know how to carry out this recommendation.

Provide top reasons for WHY your recommendation is the best option, 2-3 solid reasons are typical (reference your exhibits).

Analysis should address relevant quantitative issues such as NPV, LTV, EVC, B-E cannibalization, sensitivity analysis, etc.; as well as qualitative issues such as reasons why consumers buy the brand, impact on other brands of the firm, impact on retail relationships, competitive reactions, etc.
Last, list the rejected options and main reasons for rejecting them.

- Is the recommendation clear and actionable? Could someone else implement it?

- Does it show how the recommendation will put the firm at a competitive advantage?

- Does the basis for recommendation appropriately consider:

- Consistency with core competencies and mission/ resources of the company?

- Financial Attractiveness (e.g., NPV, ROI, break-even, payback)?

- Market size and structure (segmentation), category trends?

- Consumers (builds on important insights)? Competitors? Collaborators?

- Are all assumptions explicitly stated (e.g., growth rates, market size)? These could be stated in exhibits/attachments.

- Is the analysis thorough with key alternatives fairly considered?

- Risks associated with recommendation are properly addressed? In other words, don't just state the risks but try and address them through your recommendation(s).


Specify date and action needed (what will be done, by whom, and by when)
Contingency plans if needed.
Long-term vision for the firm.

- Are the next steps clear?

- If appropriate, lay out timeline with key milestones to implement recommendation.

- If appropriate, lay out other issues that need to be considered/addressed in the future.


An Exhibit can be a graph, grid, or simple table.

Exhibits need to be self-explanatory: Label your exhibits, List assumptions used in calculations (do not assume that the reader can read between the lines, state every assumption explicitly). The point of the Exhibit should be instantly clear.
Exhibits should be cited in the text of your write-up.
You can use exhibits to simplify presentation of pro- and con- arguments for the various options by summarizing key benefits/ disadvantages along the 5Cs framework, presenting LTV or EVC to various segments, etc.

- Is the analysis precise, accurate, and data-based?

- Are the exhibits clearly laid out, titled, and referenced in the write-up?

- Is every assumption explicitly listed?

NOTE: Every case may not include every element described above. The specific case will dictate what must be included. Focus on the most important arguments and analyses.

Reference no: EM13870840

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