What is the use of ip addresses and ports

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131505166 , Length: 5



1. Define internet.
2. What is the use of IP addresses and ports?
3. Write short notes on SMTP status code.
4. Define firewall.
5. Define proxy servers.
6. List down the types of Request Method in HTTP protocol?
7. What is the use of MIME?
8. Define URL&URN.
9. What is meant by relative URL?
10. List out few Environment Variables in CGI.
11. What is domain & mention different types of domains?
12. Mention the types of header in HTTP protocol.
13. What are the components of http URL?
14. Define URL encoding.
15. List the goals of SGML.
16. What are the sequences of steps for each http request from a client to the server?
17. List the MIME content types.
18. Mention any four commands of POP3 protocol in transaction state.
19. What are the issues of next generation IP?
20. What are the advantages of IMAP protocol?

1. Briefly explain about SGML and its importance.
2. Narrate the History of Internet and World Wide Web.
3. Write a detailed note on MIME.
4. Explain about CGI.
5. Explain in detail about Internet Standards.
6. Explain in detail about POP3 architecture.
7. Briefly explain the operational scenario of SMTP protocol.
8. Write short notes on i) IMAP ii) States of POP3 protocol
9. With an example explain about HTTP Messages.
10. Explain about request type method in HTTP protocol.



1. Define DHTML.
2. What is HTML?
3. What is the difference between HTML and DHTML?
4. State the difference between JavaScript and java.
5. Write the uses of JavaScript.
6. Mention the advantages of JavaScript.
7. Write the syntax of <table>.
8. Write a JavaScript program to create confirm dialog box.
9. What does data binding mean?
10. Mention the various <form> elements.
11. What is the use of frames in html give the syntax of frames?
12. Write the syntax to change the color of background and text in HTML?
13. What are the necessities of using HTML forms?
14. Mention the types of scripting languages.
15. Mention the various java script object models.
16. List the various dialog boxes in java script.
17. How scripting language is different from html.
18. Define function in java script.
19. Define CSS.
20. Mention the types of style sheets.


1. Explain the frames, forms and table tags of HTML with suitable examples.
2. Highlight the features of the following objects in java script String, Date, and Math.
3. Explain about JavaScript built-in objects with method description.
4. Write a JavaScript program to validate a form.
5. Write a DHTML program to apply Flip filters on text and Chroma filters for images.
6. With an example explain about JavaScript statements.
7. (a)Write a program using CSS to display the background image repeatedly.
(b) Describe about object model and collections.
8. Describe in detail about ActiveX Control of web page.
9. Explain about the various types of cascading style sheet with examples.
10. (a)Write short notes on Event Model.
(b)Write notes on filters and transitions.



1. What is meant by relational database?
2. Define DTD.
3. Differentiate between ASP and JSP.
4. Define ASP.
5. What are the ASP objects?
6. What is global.asa file?
7. Define response object and list its methods.
8. What is XML?
9. What is the use of XML namespace?
10. Differentiate between HTML & XML.
11. List out the usage of DOM.
12. What are the common mechanisms used for session tracking?
13. What are the two ways for maintaining session?
14. What do you mean by DTD in XML?
15. What are the XML rules for distinguishing between the content of a document and the XML markup element?
16. What is metadata?
17. What is the use of file system objects in ASP?
18. What are the various methods for file system objects in ASP?
19. What are name spaces in XML?
20. List out the various Objects in ADO.


1. What is DOM? Draw the detailed DOM objects structure. Explain its usage.
2. Explain the working of Active Server Pages.
3. Explain the various building blocks and types of DTD.
4. Describe the various types of objects supported by ASP.
5. How to develop an application using ASP? Explain in detail.
6. Explain the Structural Query Language statements with examples.
7. Narrate Structuring of data in XML with example.
8. Explain about Active-X Components.
9. Write short notes on vocabularies and its type in XML.
10. Write an ASP code to access a table and records from a student database to obtain the result of a student.



1. Write a note on Internet Information Server.
2. What do you mean by JDBC?
3. State the different types of JDBC Statements.
4. Write short notes on Hidden Fields.
5. How do you create a connection object?
6. What are the basic steps to create a JDBC application?
7. List the disadvantages of using cookies.
8. What is the need for tracking session?
9. What are the ways to maintain session?
10. Define Cookies.
11. List the advantages of using cookies.
12. List down the ways how ODBC differs from JDBC?
13. Define ODBC.
14. List down the types of drivers available in JDBC.
15. What are the three parts of multitier architecture?
16. What is web server? Give some examples.
17. Difference between HTTP get and post methods
18. What are the different methods used for session tracking?
19. Draw the JDBC two-tier and three-tier architecture.
20. Write short notes on Session API.

1. Explain about JDBC connectivity.
2. Explain any five important methods of Cookie class. Write a Java Program to demonstrate session tracking through cookies.
3. Explain the prepared statement and callable statement in JDBC.
4. State the various JDBC drivers and explain its functions.
5. What are the basic steps followed to work with JDBC - ODBC connectivity.
6. Give a brief overview of the JDBC process with simple application.
7. Write a servlet program to implement session tracking using HTTP session object.
8. What are the various session tracking mechanisms? Explain with example.
9. Develop a simple student management system using JDBC - ODBC connectivity.
10. Describe about the two ways of maintaining the sessions:
a. Cookies
b. Rewriting URLs



1. What is servlet?
2. Differentiate between applets and servlets.
3. How does a servlet work?
4. What are HTTP GET and POST request?
5. What is Multi Tier application?
6. What are the advantages of JSP?
7. Compare JSP with Servlets.
8. What are the typical uses of servlets?
9. State the difference between servlets and CGI.
10. How does JSP work?
11. What is template text?
12. Write down the various attributes for the page directives in JSP.
13. Define Directives.
14. Define JSP.
15. List out the components of JSP.
16. Mention the methods used to handle HTTP requests.
17. What are differences between Generic Servlet and Http Servlet?
18. List down the types of JSP Engine.
19. Write short notes on Scriptlets.
20. What is the use of include directive?

1. Describe about servlet Architecture.
2. Explain the life cycle of servlet.
3. Write short notes on
a.Servlet interface
b.ServletConfig interface
c.ServletContext interface
4. Explain the method of deployment of servlet with Tomcat.
5. Explain the life cycle of JSP.
6. Give MVC architecture of JSP.Discuss advantage of this architecture.
7. What do you meant by directive elements? Explain it with suitable example.
8. Explain standard action elements in JSP.
9. Describe the types of scripting elements in JSP with example.
10. Narrate the special methods used to handle HTTP requests.

Reference no: EM131505166

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