What is the use of employing an ssid mechanism

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132143392


1. In each of the following scenarios there is a relationship to work life in the IT industry. With each of the following question, ensure that your answer includes the explanation of how it would be applied to workplace situations. Write short notes after investigating the following scenarios:

a) 802.11a supports different modulation techniques, each allowing for different data rates. This adds complexity and cost to the radio, so your boss suggests 802.11zzz should only support one modulation technique, namely the maximum data rate possible. Do you support this idea? Why or why not?

b) Your company wants to provide wireless networking services in public places, such as in an airport lounge, where a wireless networking device detects multiple wireless networks with different SSIDs. What is the use of employing an SSID mechanism, state two reasons as to why it is necessary?

c) You company provides wireless networking services. One of your customers complains about the downloading performance being poor. After investigation, you find that the customer's 802.11 wireless network is interfering with his neighbour's wireless transfers. You want to improve performance, but you do not have any control over the neighbour's wireless connection (The only thing under your control is your customer's wireless router). Discuss the suitability of the following strategies in achieving better performance, e.g., under what conditions could it help, and when may it not be effective.
i. Frequency Assignment - Assigning a different channel to the user's wireless router.
ii. Power Control -- Lowering the transmit power of the user's wireless router.
iii. Enable RTS/CTS

2. Suppose a large office building has ESS WLAN for the office users. As a network engineer, you are asked to identify the drawbacks of the ESS WLAN with respect to roaming users. What would you recommend as a remedy to this drawback, if there any?

3. Explain how does the CSMA/CA in DCF handle media contention.

4. Suppose your company is going to provide services on broadband wireless access networks. For this reason you are asked to perform a comparative study on different technologies of wireless broadband networks. You need to complete the following table based on your study (please replace Technology T with an appropriate technology similar to WiMAX and Wi-Fi, also add few additional features in place of Feature x, y and z):

5. Define ‘throughput' in regards to wireless network. Use a practical method (e.g., using an software) to measure throughput of a wireless network? You should provide any appropriate screenshots.




Technology T

Frequency band

Channel bandwidth

Radio Technology

Half/Full Duplex

Modulation technique

Bandwidth Efficiency

Access protocol

Feature x

Feature y

Feature z

6. Suppose you work in a network security company, and you need to prepare a survey report of a particular security issue of wireless networking. To start with, select an area of wireless network security. We have listed some research papers in the 'recommended reading/resources' folder under the Resources for Students section, which can be helpful in choosing a topic. You need to use more papers in your selected topic too. This project may be done in teams of 2-3 students. Active participation in the online meeting and on the Forum will help identify like minded team members. Please write all team members names and student IDs on the title page of report. You may choose to work on your own as well. Please read the following information about a survey.

Verified Expert

The solution file is prepared in ms word which discussed about some wireless communication technologies with their features and advantages and disadvantage. This report also compares each wireless technology of the frequency, range and speed. Also discussed various network scenarios to analsis the wireless technologies. The references are included as per apa format

Reference no: EM132143392

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10/17/2018 5:25:47 AM

References Compelling evidence from professionally legitimate sources is given to support claims. Attribution is clear and fairly represented. APA (Version 6) format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the "References" page. Professionally legitimate sources that support claims are generally present and attribution is, for the most part, clear and fairly represented. APA (Version 6) format is used with minor errors. Although attributions are occasionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated. The reader is confused about the source of information and ideas. There are frequent errors in APA format. References are seldom cited to support statements. The format of the document is not recognizable as APA.


10/17/2018 5:25:41 AM

Mechanics No consistent errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalisation A few minor consistent errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalization, but they do not detract from the overall meaning and effectiveness of the paragraph. A few regular errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling, and capitalisation that. while distracting, the meaning and intent of the paragraph can still be discerned. The overall presentation of the essay displays a lack of proofreading and attention to detail. While the essay MIGHT be readable, it is uncomfortable and unprofessional.


10/17/2018 5:25:35 AM

Quality of research Research in-depth and the beyond the obvious, revealing new insights gained. Author clearly identified the way of the research approaching by the other researchers and predicts in which way the research would be going in future. Research of sufficient depth. Authors identified the research progression, and produce speculation of future research on the topic with lack of confidence. Surface research is performed. Author presented mainly a description of different research and showed the correlations of the research of the topic. However, the authors failed to speculate the future trends of the research. Minimal research is performed. The research consists predominantly of information collection and making simple correlations of different research work on the topic.


10/17/2018 5:25:30 AM

Style: Flow, tone, word choice Writing is smooth, skilful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Consistent and appropriate tone and word choice is used throughout the paragraph. Sense language is used to "show, not tell" the reader what is being described. Writing is clear and sentences have varied structure. There is consistent tone and word choice is appropriate with fairly good use of sense language to create imagery. Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. The tone is inconsistent and word choice, while adequate, could be better. While sense language is used, it is not very effective in creating imagery Writing appears rushed or underdeveloped.


10/17/2018 5:25:24 AM

Overall Organization The logical progression of details with a clear and effective order that enhances the essay and provides a vivid description of the topic with appropriate and effective transitions. Logical progression of details with a clear and useful order. Transitions are present, but they do not enhance the overall effectiveness of the paragraph The organization is clear. Some transitions are present, while others are either inappropriate or missing. The flow of the essay from detail to detail is difficult to understand or implies that important information has been left out.


10/17/2018 5:25:17 AM

Body Paragraphs Each body paragraph contains a clear topic sentence that focuses each paragraph around one point. Details/examples in the body paragraphs are clear and well developed, and there are enough details to create vivid images in the reader's mind with the use of vivid/ sense language that creates a dominant impression. Each body paragraph contains a clear topic sentence that focuses each paragraph on one point. Details/examples are clear and presented from general to specific, but they are not well developed. Vivid/sense language is not used as effectively as it could be used to create imagery for the reader. Some paragraphs do not contain a clear topic sentence or might not have as strong a topic sentence as is needed. There are details/examples in each paragraph, but they might be either unclear or not presented from general to specific. Vivid/sense language is not used effectively, or the details do not create a dominant impression in the paragraph. Many of the paragraphs are missing essential details or the details in the overall essay focus on one sense when other details could be offered to enrich the experience.


10/17/2018 5:25:11 AM

Area HD (100%-85%) DI (84%-75%) CR (74%-65%) PS(64%-50%) Introduction A well-developed introduction catches the audience's attention and creates interest. The beginning of the essay contains background information so that readers can understand the story's context. A guiding sentence close to the beginning conveys the focus of the essay. Introduction creates reader interest and is reasonably well-developed. It contains some background information and/or details, and it fits the focus of the essay. The introduction is adequate and includes some background information, yet it may lack detail and creativity. It may need to do more to catch the reader's attention, or it may not quite fit the focus of the essay. Background details are a random collection of information: They are unclear or unrelated to the topic. The introduction does not appear to consider the reader.


10/17/2018 5:25:05 AM

Question HD (100%-85%) DI (84%-75%) CR (74%-65%) PS (64%-50%) Q 1 – Q 5 The answers are correct and complete. A comprehensive explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Appropriate figures were used, if applicable. Appropriate reference style is used. No grammatical or spelling mistake. The answer is correct, and a detailed explanation is provided. References are used. No/only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and not formatted appropriately. The answer is correct but not complete, and only adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.


10/17/2018 5:24:59 AM

Rationale This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to investigate and evaluate various wireless networking techniques, protocols and standards. • be able to compare and contrast different wireless networks in terms of size, speed, limitations and applications. • be able to investigate and evaluate emerging wireless networking technologies. • be able to investigate theoretical and practical issues relating to wireless technology and communicate the results to specialist and non-specialist audiences. • be able to explain the challenges and security issues posed by wireless networks.

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