What is the unified data architecture

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131974552


Introduction to Big Data

The effect of Big Data growth is felt everywhere. It is especially affecting how organizations are conducting their business to stay competitive in the market place. This assignment enables you to gain an understanding of what is Big Data and how organizations are using a framework for implementing Big Data to enhance their value. It presents a video of how Verizon Wireless uses Teradata's Unified Data Architecture to analyze Big Data to reduce customer churn and stay competitive in the mobile carrier marketplace. Use this video along with other Web resources such as Wikipedia to answer the following questions in your teams.


Listen to the following youtube video and read the accompanying web post about Verizon Wireless.

Video: "Data & Analytics helps executives make business-defining decisions better and faster"

Article: Listening to 100M Customers with Unified Data Architecture By TCSET.

Use the video/web post along with other Web resources to discuss and answer the following questions in your teams.

1. What is Big Data?
2. What is Big Data for Verizon Wireless?
3. What is the Unified Data Architecture? What are its components?
4. How does the Unified Data Architecture help leverage Big Data?
5. Consider this example of how Big Data is leveraged in organizations. Describe another business situation that involves Big Data (you can use a real company situation) and how the business can use the Unified Data Architecture to leverage Big Data.

Reference no: EM131974552

Questions Cloud

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Relationship between unemployment and real gdp : a) Describe the relationship between unemployment and real GDP.
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What is the unified data architecture : What is the Unified Data Architecture? What are its components? How does the Unified Data Architecture help leverage Big Data?
According to the unbiased expectations hypothesis : According to the unbiased expectations hypothesis, what are the expected one-year rates for year 4, 5, and 6 (i.e., what are 4f1, 5f1, and 6f1)?
Decision payoff table with future demand probabilities : Given is a decision payoff table with future demand probabilities.
What is the present value of the future amounts : Present Value What is the present value of the following future amounts?
Prepare a change management plan : Prepare a change management plan on the implementation of proposed improvements: How can the buy-in of the current organization


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