Reference no: EM133814503
The final words of the Buddha: "So, Ananda, you must be your own lamps, be your own refuges.... Hold firm to the truth as a lamp and refuge, and do not look for refuge to anything besides yourselves."(Novak, p.61) New Testament of the Bible (KJV)- John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believeth in Him shall not perish; but, have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
Paper Assignment - Write a paper comparing Buddhism and Christianity with reference to the two quotes given above. The paper should include answers to the following questions:
What is the ultimate goal of each of these religions? For each religion, what is the role of the founder for the achievement of the ultimate goal as expressed in the quotes given above? For each religion, what is understood to be the human condition that each of them is addressing?
For each of them, is there a problem inherent in the human condition for which the religion provides a resolution? Compare the resolutions (by answering the following questions 5,6, and 7).