What is the typical method used to capture ideas

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133143373

The following questions may be answered verbally with your assessor or you may write down your answers. Please discuss this with your assessor before you commence. Short Answers are required which is approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten text.

Your assessor will take down dot points as a minimum if you choose to answer them verbally.

Answer the following questions either verbally with your assessor or in writing.

  1. What key objectives would you identify in a diversity policy? 
  2. What sections of a diversity policy would you read to determine its application to specific work context? 
  3. What skills could be used to help ensure that the diversity policy is understood and implemented by relevant parties?
  4. What guidelines should be applied to the provision of feedback and suggestions to ensure the currency and efficacy of a diversity policy? 
  5. Outline at least four (4) of the steps you could follow to become culturally competent so you can address your own prejudices and demonstrate respect for difference in personal interactions.
  6. Discuss two (2) of the ways you can aim for diversity when selecting and recruiting staff. 
  7. What can you do to address issues of difference in a team?
  8. What types of tensions might you identify between staff who struggle to work effectively with difference? List at least three (3) examples. 
  9. What do you need to ensure that you apply and follow when managing allegations of harassment and addressing complaints in the workplace? 
  10. What benefits mighty you provide as examples when assisting staff to see that working effectively with difference is a strength that can improve the organisation's products, services and customer relations? 
  11. How might you promote the organisation's workforce diversity in internal and external forums to enhance the company's image and reputation?
  12. What is the typical method used to capture ideas and information from the diversity in the workforce, so that this can be used to enhance products and services and contribute to competitive advantage?
  13. Outline three (3) methods for supporting and encouraging organisational efforts to value diversity.

Reference no: EM133143373

Questions Cloud

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