Reference no: EM133301537
Critical Evaluation:
When Prostitution Is Nobody's Business
Evaluate the argument:
A.) Support Question- If his premises were true, would they support the conclusion? Would the make the conclusion more likely? Would they give one good reason to accept his conclusion?
B.) Content Question- Are his premises good (clear, true, non-controversial /reasonable)?
Clarity: To be a good premise it must be clear. It must not contain vagaries and ambiguities which prevent the reader from understanding what is being asserted. One cannot deterime if the premise is true if it admits of multiple interpretations. However, note two things:
1. It is not enough to merely claim that a premise is vague or contains a vague term. If you make such a claim, you must defend it. Why do you say the premise is vague? What is the troublesome term or terms and why are they troublesome? Why does this vagueness prevent you from determining whether the sentence is true or reasonable?
2. As we discussed in class, where an author uses a vague term, it is appropriate to extend to him or her the "principle of charity" and try to guess what a reasonable, intelligent person might have meant by the term. It is a weakness of the argument is the author is vague, but in the interest of advancing the dialog it becomes the reader's responsibility to try to "fill in the blanks."