Reference no: EM13966748
The figure shown below shows a one-line diagram of a simple power system containing a single 480 V generator and three loads. Assume that the transmission lines in this power system are lossless, and answer the following questions.
(a) Assume that Load 1 is Y-connected. What are the phase voltage and currents in that load?
(b) Assume that Load 2 is D-connected. What are the phase voltage and currents in that load?
(c) What real, reactive, and apparent power does the generator supply when the switch is open?
(d) What is the total line current IL when the switch is open?
(e) What real, reactive, and apparent power does the generator supply when the switch is closed?
(f) What is the total line current IL when the switch is closed?
(g) How does the total line current IL compare to the sum of the three individual currents I1 + I2 + I3 ? If they are not equal, why not?

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What is the total line current il when the switch is open
: The figure shown below shows a one-line diagram of a simple power system containing a single 480 V generator and three loads. Assume that the transmission lines in this power system are lossless, and answer the following questions. Assume that..
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