What is the topic sentences main idea

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133329333

Question 1) What is the topic sentence's main idea, and how is it the main idea of the paragraph??

Question 2) How do the detail sentences show examples of a comparison and contrast??

Question 3) How does the last sentence of the paragraph summarize and conclude the paragraph??

Question 4) How are the transitions another similarity, likewise, and just as used to compare and contrast writers and ballerinas??

Question 5) What makes the paragraph a comparison and contrast paragraph?

Case Study: On the surface, writers and ballerinas seem to have nothing in common. In reality of a good writer mirror the qualities of a good ballerina. One such quality is motivation. Good writers are motivated to learn many news and better ways of telling a story, just as ballerina try to learn many new and better ways of performing certain movements. Another similarity between the two is importance of dedication. Good writers spend hour each day develop their language skills to enhance their writing. Likewise, good ballerinas spend countless hours in the gym or studio each week increasing their accuracy and endurance. Finally, people in both professions hope to entertain their audience in mind, and ballerinas consider which movements and Wich outfits will have the biggest impact on their audience. in sum, few people realize that writers and ballerinas share these common traits.


Reference no: EM133329333

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