Reference no: EM133302473
Assignment: My essay was written on the climate change, and who exactly should take responsibility for it. As observed in my essay I decided to argue that the first world should take responsibility for climate change because their shameful overuse of finite resources was destroying the Earth. The essay was the first classic argument essay I have written, and it involved many days of deep analyzation in order to make it valid.
My classic argument essay demonstrates my progress with critical thinking because I had to stay as neutral as possible while reading the selections on the issue of climate change in order to come up with a true and unbiased argument on who exactly should take responsibility for climate change. Another way I had to think critically was when I had to relate those selections and my argument to logos, ethos, and pathos. While I eventually did come to the conclusion of what my claim would be my actual work process in finding it needed improvement. It was apparent to myself that my work process wasn't that strong or effective. For instance, I could've spent less time trying to analyze the articles for quotes that I could use and more time creating my actual statements and using those quotes to reinforce my statements. My work process also needed a greater level of responsibility on my part in trying effectively manage time for myself. My work process did have some strengths in that I was able to follow the guideline of the essay and apply the critiques from the peer review to strengthen my essay. My essay does have its strengths and its weaknesses, though. Some of the strengths of my essay are being able to effectively appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos and staying on topic with the prompt of the essay. Some of the weaknesses, however are the need for better transitional phrases in between paragraphs and general sentence structure.
My essay while having its various strengths and resources shows great improvement from the first draft. For instance, in the first draft I did not even have a valid claim. Therefore, I could not even support what my claim was in the first essay. I learned what made a valid claim and supported it with effective citations. I also learned how to interpret data which I found to be one of the greatest strengths of my essay. While making the visual of the data was a difficult, and frustrating task, it made supporting my claim easy because the data could not be denied on counts of credibility. I have learned by making the data visual, that it can make all the difference when trying to make a credible argument.
I plan to apply the skills I learned while doing this classic argument essay by continuing to use them in future essays. For example, if another essay I had to do in the future needed to rely on credibility I would try my best to find data that would support my claim and use that data to create visual to it. I also will learn to apply the time management skills I have learned from this essay in order to ensure that I use my time wisely and effectively. Overall, while writing the essay was a tiring and tedious process, I'm glad to walk away with a new set of skills that can only improve on my writing as a whole for the future.
Question 1: What is the topic of the essay? Does the Introduction focus on the topic and clearly lead to a debatable thesis?
Question 2: What is the thesis statement? (The thesis should be debatable and the author should take a definite stand with a position. The essay should not be a comparison/contrast or cause/effect essay without the author taking a stand on one side of the argument.)
Question 3: What two supporting arguments are used to support the thesis statement?
Question 4:Are the opposing views fairly stated? How does the essay counter the opposing arguments?
Question 5: AFTER reviewing the video Week 12 on Content called " Plagiarism: How to Avoid it," confirm that all evidence in your essay is properly cited. If not, where did you find that you needed to add proper citation to your essay?
Question 6: Does the conclusion restate the main arguments? There should not be any new information/details in the conclusion.
Question 7: Discuss the strongest and weakest parts of the argument essay.
Question 8: Give an example of how you have used Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in your essay.
Question 9: Will you make changes based on this evaluation? If so, what?