Reference no: EM132267844
TED talks are organized and highly-vetted public speeches that give normal people-people like you and me-a chance to spread their message to the world. Visit and watch several TED speakers. Note that you can sort by topic, speaker, and a host of other criteria.
You can watch any TED talk you wish. If you're looking a more concentrated list, you might also wish to visit this link, which highlights the 25 most popular TED talks of all time.
After watching a TED talk (or a few!), write a short analysis of that talk. Please ensure that you cite the talk you watched in appropriate APA formatting.
You should answer the following questions in your analysis:
· What is the topic and who is the speaker?
· How does the speaker get the audience's attention in the introduction?
· What are the main points of the talk? Are they easily identifiable?
· What techniques of delivery does the speaker use effectively (e.g., emotion, vivid language, nonverbals, humor, etc.)? Please be sure to provide examples.
· How does the speaker conclude the speech? Does it echo the themes in the introduction and "tie the knot" or does it go in a different direction?
· Is the speech effective? Did it leave an impact on you? Tell us why or why not.
What did you learn about speech delivery after listening to this speech?