What is the timing of the substantive procedures

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13184358

1 Control risk has been assessed as high and detection risk is low. What is the timing of the substantive procedures likely to be?

2 The auditor has decided that they will use a larger sample for confirmations at year end. What is the level of detection risk?

3 Control risk has been assessed as low and detection risk is high. What type of substantive procedures are the auditors more likely to use?

4 Control risk has been assessed as low and detection risk is high. What size sample are the auditors more likely to use?

5 The auditor has decided that they will do more tests of details of balances and use larger samples. What is the likely level of control risk?

6 The auditor has been comparing the customer closing balances with the balance in the control account for a large sample of customers at year end. What is the level of control risk and detection risk?

Reference no: EM13184358

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