What is the time of oscillation of block

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134272


A block with mass m = 5.3 kg is attached to 2 springs with spring constants kleft = 33.0 N/m and kright = 49.0 N/m. The block is pulled a distance x = 0.27 m to the left of its equilibrium position and free from rest.

What is the time of oscillation of block?


The Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain in California has a mirror 200 in. (5.08 m) in diameter and it focuses observable light. Given that a large sunspot is about 18,900 mi in diameter, what is most far star on which this telescope could resolve a sunspot to see whether other stars have them? (Imagine optimal viewing conditions; so that resolution is diffraction limited. suppose that visible wavelength ranges from 400 nm to 700 nm.)

Reference no: EM134272

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