Reference no: EM13798454
Directions: Please read "Lou's Place" by Beth Johnson on page 194 of your textbook. When you have finished reading the article, answer the following questions with at least 250 words per question.
1. What is the thesis of Johnson's essay? If it is stated directly, locate the relevant sentence or sentences. If it is implied, state the thesis in your own words.
2. Which statement would best serve as a topic sentence for paragraph 13? Explain why.
a. Many of Lou's customers are, like him, interested in the Philadelphia sports teams.
b. Lou doesn't mind if customers serve themselves coffee.
c. Lou apparently disliked the two men in oil-company caps who came into the restaurant.
d. Regular customers at Lou's are used to taking care of themselves while Lou reads his paper.
3. In paragraph 3, Johnson claims that Lou and his customers are fond of one another. How does she support that claim in the case of the golden-haired woman who is first mentioned in paragraph 26?
4. Find a paragraph that appeals to three senses and identify those senses.
5. We are told that customers enjoy the unusual atmosphere of Lou's coffee shop. What detail supports this idea?
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