What is the theory of symbolic racism

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Reference no: EM133469584


1. Why is the South considered to be the most racially conservative region in the United States?

2. What is the theory of symbolic racism? What evidence for or against this theory do you see in American politics today?

3. What are the differences between prejudice and discrimination? Which of the two is easier to change, and why?

4. Among the minority groups discussed in this article, in what ways is the experience of African Americans significantly different from other groups?

5. How did Portuguese and Spanish conquerors use the concept of race to exploit non-whites?

6. How have science and religion been used over the centuries to support racist attitudes and actions in the West?

7. What does it mean to say that sex is biological, but gender is socially constructed?

8. Is race best understood as a biological construct, a social construct, or some combination of both? Explain.

Reference no: EM133469584

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