What is the target b2b market segment or segments

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133491173

You will write a detailed analysis of the targeted B2B market segment or segments that you are focused on for your B2B marketing plan. You will answer the following questions:

Question 1: What is the target B2B market segment or segments you are going after and why?

Question 2: Describe each B2B segment, what the B2B customer wants/needs are, how they will use the goods or service, how do you plan to reach them with your B2B marketing message, are they sensitive to price, etc. Estimate the market size and potential for your company.
This should be based on actual and specific research that you conducted. Your team should spend time properly researching your industry, market, company, and B2B customer.

Question 3: Then provide a write up of what B2B customers you are targeting highlighting what key findings you uncovered about your market in your research.


Reference no: EM133491173

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