What is the subsequent management and treatment

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Reference no: EM131731246

He returns to your clinic for follow-up blood work, and four values catch your attention:

AST 430 U/L
ALT 535 U/L
Bilirubin 41 mg/dl
BG 60 mg/dl

He admits to a history of moderate-to-high alcohol intake (>12 drinks/week for >10 years). He is slightly febrile (99.7°F) and has abdominal tenderness. He also admits to taking several, different over-the-counter pain relievers of different brands daily and continuously to combat the pain in his knee, in addition to his prescription(s) in Part One. You decide to run a toxicology lab, and it reveals a blood acetaminophen concentration of 58 µg/mL.

What is the diagnosis at this point in his case? Please explain the mechanism for how this occurs/occurred, and the antidote's mechanism of action.

What is the subsequent management and treatment for this individual related to the diagnosis in Part One.

Reference no: EM131731246

Questions Cloud

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What are the key attributes of the transformational style : Which of the other leaders who you have seen come close to being effective transformational leaders?
What should the np do when a patient has continued to return : What should the NP do when a patient has continued to return, What are the possible signs of prescription drug abuse
What is the subsequent management and treatment : What is the subsequent management and treatment for this individual related to the diagnosis in Part One
What is your pharmacological plan for your primary diagnosis : What problems can be identified in this patient? Please provide a list of differential diagnoses, as well as indication of your primary diagnosis
How does diversity in an organization affect strategy : Organizational diversity, when managed effectively, has many benefits for organizations. In general, effectively managed diversity programs contribute.
Describe your chosen pharmacological treatment : What laboratory tests should you order, and what is your primary diagnosis at this point and subsequent steps in his treatment
How did you feel being in a minority situation : One reason people have a diffi cult time dealing with diversity in others or understanding why it is important to value and respect diversity.


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