Reference no: EM132293866
TCP/IP Principles and Protocols
Question 1:
You are given a classful IPv4 address as Your organization needs to have four (4) subnetworks with 62 host IP addresses in each subnetwork. Calculate the subnetworks and answer the following questions for all four of the subblocks.
a) What is the subnet mask of the subblocks? Provide detailed calculation to validate your answer.
b) What is the first and the last address of each subblock?
Question 2:
Download and open ‘Assignment one.pkt' using Packet Tracer and answer the following questions using the given network.
a. List all the network devices (except PCs) present in this network and their associated OSI layers
b. For each of the router in the network, identify the number of unused networking ports and the default bandwidth of the ports.
c. In the given network, there are two types of networking cables used to connect networking peripherals. Identify those two types of networking cables and explain their differences in terms of uses in the given network.
Question 3:
The following is a dump of a UDP header in hexadecimal format.
a) What is the source port number?
b) What is the destination port number?
c) What is the total length of the user datagram?
d) What is the length of the data?
e) Is the packet directed from a client to a server or vice versa?
f) What is the client process?
Question 4:
You're the head network administrator for a large manufacturing enterprise that's completing its support for IPv6. The company has six major locations with network administrators and several thousand users in each location. You're using a base IPv6 address of 2001:DB8:FAB/48 and want network administrators to be able to subnet their networks however they see fit. You also want to maintain a reserve of address spaces for a possible 10 additional locations in the future.
- What IPv6 addresses should you assign to each location? When constructing your answer, list each location as Location 1, Location 2, and so forth.