What is the subject matter of the video

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Reference no: EM133214551 , Length: Word Count: 2 Pages

Assignment - History Iranian History Question

1. Tell the reader what is the subject matter of the video/article and a short summary of the content.

2. Then give an account of the positive aspects of it---expressiveness, clarity of the message, staying on the subject, usefulness, etc. Do NOT review the cinematography. This is not a course on cinema.

3. Another account on the negative aspects but NOT the cinematography. Some documentaries are nearly 100 years old, or taken on a cell phone camera impromptu. Naturally they will be black & white, grainy, or totally amateurish technically).

4. Follow this by another account explaining how helpful the film/article is to you to better learn the course subject matter.

5. The last section should be your personal opinion: did you like it or not and why?

Reference no: EM133214551

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