Reference no: EM13832667
Major assessment
Students have two options for the Major Assessment within this unit. Students can choose to investigate and write-up a formal sport management related case study; or address the essay question shown below.
Word limit for Report: 6,000 words.
Option 1 - Essay
In his article Shilbury (2012) concluded that "strategy research specific to sport management has been sparse to date, yet the role of strategy formulation is central to the role of management and should also be central to sport management scholarship". The article is available in Topic One. For your essay, respond to the following question:
What is the status of strategy in sport management today? Draw on theory and research as well as examples from the sport business industry to discuss.
• Ferkins, Shilbury, & McDonald, G. (2009). Board Involvement in Strategy: Advancing the Governance of Sport Organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 23(3), 245-277.
• Shilbury, D 2012, 'Competition: The Heart and Soul of Sport Management', Journal Of Sport Management, 26, 1, pp. 1-10, SPORT Discus with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 29 August 2015.
• Evans, D.M., & Smith, A.C.T. (2004). The internet and competitive advantage: A study of Australia's four premier professional sporting leagues. Sport Management Review, 7(1), p. 27-56.