Reference no: EM133480104
I. Read the case study:
RAN is an environmental advocacy group that works to protect forests, the climate, and human rights. The group's campaign against Nestlé began in 2010, when RAN released a report called "Caught Red-Handed: How Nestlé's Use of Palm Oil is Destroying Rainforests and the Climate." The report highlighted the environmental and social impacts of Nestlé's palm oil sourcing practices, which were contributing to deforestation, habitat destruction, and human rights abuses in Southeast Asia.
RAN's campaign against Nestlé used a variety of tactics to influence the company, including public protests, social media campaigns, and shareholder activism. For example, RAN organized a global day of action against Nestlé in 2010, which involved protests at Nestlé's headquarters and retail stores around the world. The group also launched a social media campaign called "Give Nestlé a Break," which encouraged consumers to send messages to the company demanding that it take action on palm oil.
In addition, RAN worked with investors and shareholders to pressure Nestlé to change its practices. The group filed a shareholder resolution in 2011, which called on Nestlé to adopt a responsible palm oil policy and commit to zero deforestation. The resolution received significant support from shareholders, including large institutional investors like CalPERS and CalSTRS.
As a result of RAN's campaign, Nestlé announced a new responsible sourcing policy for palm oil in 2010, which committed the company to sourcing palm oil only from suppliers that did not contribute to deforestation or human rights abuses. Nestlé also joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a multi-stakeholder organization that works to promote responsible palm oil production and sourcing.
Overall, RAN's campaign against Nestlé is an example of how civil society stakeholders can successfully influence businesses to adopt more responsible practices. The campaign used a combination of tactics, including public protests, social media campaigns, and shareholder activism, to pressure Nestlé to change its palm oil sourcing practices. The result was a significant shift in Nestlé's approach to palm oil, which has had positive environmental and social impacts in Southeast Asia.
II. Research both the civil society stakeholder and the business stakeholders.
Consider the following questions:
Question A. What is the stakeholder's mission or goal?
Question B. What are some of the key actions or campaigns that the stakeholder has undertaken?
Question C. What are some of the business's key practices or policies that the stakeholder is seeking to change?
III. Analyze the Stakeholder's Influence
After researching the stakeholder and the business, spend the remaining time analyzing how the stakeholder influenced the business.
Consider the following questions:
Question A. What kind of tactics did the stakeholder use to influence the business, (such as boycotts, petitions, or shareholder activism)? Be specific and explain the logic of your answer
Question B. How did the business respond to the stakeholder's actions or campaign? Be specific and explain the logic of your answer
Question C. What kind of changes did the business make as a result of the stakeholder's influence? Be specific and explain the logic of your answer
Question D. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the stakeholder's approach? Be specific and explain the logic of your answer
Question E. Reflect on the Role of Civil Society Stakeholders.
Consider the following questions:
Question A. What are some of the key strategies that civil society stakeholders can use to influence businesses?
Question B. What are some of the benefits and limitations of each strategy?
Question C. How can civil society stakeholders work effectively with businesses to promote social and environmental responsibility?