What is the source of my anxiety

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Reference no: EM133732219

Question: I am not normally very nervous when it comes to public speaking, but in the classroom, I feel very uneasy about delivering speeches that feature information about my family relationships. This is because the topic of family is very personal to me, and it seems inappropriate to get into very personal discussions in class - not because of who is listening, but because of the purpose of that space. What is the source of my anxiety?

Reference no: EM133732219

Questions Cloud

What could bring up those triggers : What could bring up those triggers? How someone would behave when those triggers are active - What memories of her childhood stand out for her and feel
Discuss how the ana and ena keeps its members informed : Discuss how the ANA and ENA keeps its members informed of health care changes and opportunities the organization provides for continuing education.
What complication that the client is at greatest risk : The nurse is caring for a postpartum client. The nurse assesses the client closely for what complication that the client is at greatest risk of developing?
Create a scenario in an infant classroom that demonstrates : Create a scenario in an infant classroom that demonstrates the dimension teacher sensitivity including awareness cue detection, responsiveness infant comfort
What is the source of my anxiety : it seems inappropriate to get into very personal discussions in class - not because of who is listening, but because of the purpose of that space.
Which medical conditions can mimic symptoms of panic attack : The clinician suspects panic disorder but wants to rule out any possible medical causes. Which medical conditions can mimic the symptoms of a panic attack?
How this contributes to problems or provides support : how this contributes to problems or provides support and solutions. Here we are seeking to know how the immediate environment enhances or impedes successful
What should be the next step of management : His mother is also concerned that whenever she tries to address the concern directly, he becomes avoidant and secludes himself from the rest of the family.
Provide a professional nursing organization : Provide a professional nursing organization that relates to Mental health. Discuss how the organization keeps it's members informed of health care changes.


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