Reference no: EM132921615
1. Duties of the parliament include all except
A. Managing national affairs
B. Making laws
C. Scrutinizing government's policies
D. Debating major issues
2. What is not the source of English law
A. Statutes
B. Constitution
C. Acts
D. Precedents
3. By which means the monarch act as final check?
A. Talking to the P.M once a week
B. Giving Royal Assent
C. Opening hospitals
D. Receiving ambassadors
4. MP is elected by most
A. Legal ballots
B. Spoiled ballots
C. Secrets ballots
D. Counted ballots
5. At what stage of law-making procedure is Bill discussed and/or amended
A. Second reading
B. Committee stage
C. Third reading
D. All of these
6. Who is the member of House of Lords
A. Duke
C. Queen
7. The Party in power is the political party which win
A. Most seats
B. Most votes
C. Either of these
D. Neither of these
8. The party in power now in Britain is/are
A. Conservative
B. Labour
C. Liberal Democrats
D. Scottish National
9. MP can perform the Parliament's scrutinizing function by
A. Drafting laws
B. Putting forward his own policy
C. Criticizing government policy
D. Questioning ministers and P.M.
10. Britain's administrative units are
A. Boroughs
B. Councils
C. Counties
D. Constituencies
11. The government authority taking charge of British trade is
A. The Treasury
B. The Exchequer
C. The Department of Trade and Industry
D. UK Trade and Investment
12. Which duty is often performed by the Queen?
A. Appointing P.M. and ministers
B. Giving Royal Assent
C. Dissolving the Parliament
D. Either of these
13. What the Monarch does not embody is
A. Traditional values
B. Cultural heritage
C. Political democracy
D. National identity
14. Which is included in the royal title of the Monarch
A. Head of the Church of England
B. Head of the Commonwealth
C. Commander in Chief
D. All of these
15. Queen Elizabeth II has rules for
A. 50 years
B. 60 years
C. Over 50 years
D. Over 60 years
16. What can the Speaker of the House of Lords do?
A. Speak in debates
B. Supervise the voting
C. End the debate
D. Preside over the House
17. What is the main responsibilities of the Lord of Chancellor
A. Head of the judiciary of England
B. Administration of higher court
C. Administration of court procedures
D. All of these
18. The British monarchy could retain its dignity due to
A The contradiction between monarchy and democracy
B Its religious importance for many people
C Its not involvement into politics
D The mystery of its royal life
19. MPs are chosen by
A. The Queen
B. The Prime Minister
C. General election
D. Majority support
20. The group of 20 minister headed by the P.M. conducting national affairs is
A. The Privy Council
B. The Shadow Cabinet
C. The Cabinet
D. The Cabinet Office