Reference no: EM133646178
Answer the following questions in detail:
What is the sorce of this activity idea? Be specific in describing the "whys", the child/classroom experiences or observations that inspired this plan. Have you or others provided any prior introductory materials or experiences to prepare the children for this newactivity? Create 3 Webs: 1) Web the children's Interests 2) Web of Activity Possibilities 3) Web of Developmental Skills
Identify 2 primary developmental objectives that this activity supported. These are skills or concepts from different domains of development that will be practiced or introduced during this activity. Indicate the Domain of Development. Use the formatof:
Domain: verb + dev.skill by action...
For example- Physical:Strengthenthe ability to balanceby walking on the balance beam
What materials and equipment or furnishings are required for this activity or environment plan? Describe the set-up of your activity, furniture arrangement, #of children, timing
What adaptations will you provide to support participation and success by all?Consider issues of inclusion, special rights and
How will you introduce this activity to the children?Through props, demonstration, discussion, circle?
Describe the actual procedure (a step by step description) of your activity: What will you do to lead the activity? Remember to describe the procedure so that someone else could teach from your plan. Consider issues of inclusion, special rights and diversity when explaining your procedure.
What are some of the questions you might ask children to provoke their thinking and understanding during theactivity?
Consider the specific ways that you can gather evidence to represent or document the experience for children to revisit, to share with others and to use for future planning. What method will you plan to use...dictation, note taking, saving samples of children's work, graphing or charting, photos, video?