What is the slope in this logistic regression model

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133775887

Problem: Logistic Regression Model

For the Instagram users, there are n=1069 young persons in the sample. The explanatory variable is sex, which we have coded using an indicator variable with values x=1 for women and x=0 for men. The response variable, y, is also an indicator variable. Thus, each person is either an Instagram user or is not an Instagram user. Think of a process of selecting a young person at random and recording y and x. The model says that the probability, p, that this person is an Instagram user can depend upon the user's sex (x=1 or x=0). So, there are two possible values for p-say, p_women and p_men.

I. What are the needed estimates b0 and b1 in the logistic model log(odds) = b0 + b1*x?

II. What is the slope in this logistic regression model?

III. Given the estimated slope (b1) in Part II above, can we confidently conclude that women are twice as likely as men to be Instagram users in this population?

Reference no: EM133775887

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