What is the size of the u.s household bidet market

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Reference no: EM133539943

Taking on the role of U.S Marketing Manager for TOTO, conduct some market research to estimate the market potential for the country. While you do not have corporate data at your disposal, use internet resources to make the best estimate possible. You may also like to search for market sizing methods to apply.

1. What is the size of the U.S household bidet market? Consider concepts from the course - TAM, SAM and SOM to provide a breakdown for each category.

2. Explain how you arrived at your estimates - what assumptions did you use, what data did you include, what process did you take to refine your estimate?

3. If you had additional time and resources, what could you have done to improve the accuracy of your market size estimate?

4. Is there any primary research that you would recommend to TOTO to better understand American consumers? What challenges do you anticipate in collecting this data given the different culture and type of product?

Reference no: EM133539943

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