What is the significance of the issues economically

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133195550 , Length: 2 Pages


Write a paper regarding an economic surplus. Look for an article from a credible source, ie. Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Associated Press, Forbes Magazine, the Economist, the New Yorker, Academic Journal (EBSCO, JSTOR, Wilson's Web) etc. regarding supply and demand.

You can extend your search from a surplus of vehicles in California, thereby increasing traffic congestion, to a surplus of mosquitos during the fall season, thereby increasing the risk of the West Nile virus. Please find an article that you are interested in and want to learn more about.

After choosing an article, analyze the following:

-What is the article about?

-How does this article relate to our class?

-What is/are the significance of the issue(s) economically?

-What are the arguments for and against the issues when it comes to economic policy?

-How will the issue affect the economy ten to twenty years from now?

Reference no: EM133195550

Questions Cloud

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