Reference no: EM132925981
Question 1: What is the significance of renal disease with respect to anaemia, if any?
Question 2: Can anaemia be a differentiating point between muscle wasting and cachexia owing to another systemic disorder?
Question 3: Anaemia of chronic disease does not respond to iron therapy, but there are trials studying the use of iron and erythropoietin (EPO). Could you tell me where to find more detailed information about these trials, and whether there have since been any further developments?
Question 4: Is the deoxyuridine test helpful?
Question 5: The Schilling test is very rarely performed. Why is this?
Question 6: There is no extramedullary haematopoiesis in aplastic anaemia, why?
Question 7: Why is the anaemia in aplastic anaemia, macrocytic?
Question 8: Is vitamin B12 absorbed passively from the jejunum?
Question 9: What role does 'R' binder play in the absorption of vitamin B12?
Question 10: In pernicious anaemia, investigation of the serum shows an elevated level of gastrin. Why is it so?