What is the shortest distance between A and B

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131316700

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Q1. Consider a parallelogram with vertices A, B, C and D.


Show that the area of triangle ABD is equal to the area of the triangle ABC.

Q2. Show that if A(a1, a2 , a3), B(b1,b2 ,b3 ) and C(c1, c2, c3) are three fixed points on a plane and P(x, y, z) is a general point on the same plane, then

|x - a1    y - a2       z - a3  |
|b1 - a1  b2 - a2    b3 - a3  | = 0
|c1 - a1  c2 - a    c3 - a3 |

Q3. Two particles move in a plane, both starting from the origin, in such a way that, after time t seconds, their position vectors are 3(cos t - 1)i + (4sin t) j and (3sin t)i + 4(cos t - 1)j. Find the value of t when the particles are first moving in the opposite direction.

Q4. Two particles P and Q move in the positive direction on the x-axis, P with constant acceleration 2 m/s2 and Q with constant acceleration of 1 m/s2. At time t = 0, P is projected from the origin with speed 1 m/s and at time t = 4, Q is projected from O with speed 16 m/s. Find the times between which Q is ahead of P. Find also the distance from O at which Q overtakes P, and the distance from O at which P overtakes Q.

Q5. Particle A is located at the Origin, while particle B is located 10 units due north of A. B is moving with velocity vB = 2i - 5j .

(a) If A can move with speed 2 unit/s, in what direction should A move in order to intercept with B? How long does the interception take?

(b) If A move with velocity vA = 4i + j, what is the shortest distance between A and B?

Reference no: EM131316700

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