Reference no: EM13142838
Suppose that the following represents the (estimated) sample regression results for the heights and weights of a random sample of 200 twenty-year-olds.
Weight = -99.41 + 2.5 X Height, R2 = 0.75, SER = 12,
Where weight is measured in pounds and height is measured in inches.
a) Predict the weights of (i) Bell who is 70 inch tall, and that of (ii) Normal, who is 62 inch tall.
b) If Chi grew 2 inch taller in a year, explain how to find the change in weight. Calculate the change in weight (show the calculation).
c) What is the sample standard deviation of weights (USE FORMULAS FOR R2, and SER,pages, 120 and 121 of the textbook)?
d) Suppose that you are asked to present the regression results to Europeans, (who use metric system of measurement (that is- in centimeter and kilogram units), re-write the regression in those units to make them understand the results better.
e) Which parts of the regression results are unaffected by the change in units. Explain why are they unaffected.
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