What is the sample standard deviation

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131456365

Question: A recent article reported that there are approximately 11 minutes of actual playing time in a typical National Football League (NFL) game (The IV all Street Journal, January 15. 2010). The article included information about the amount of time devoted to replays. the amount of time devoted to commercials, and the amount of time the players spend standing around between plays. Data consistent with the findings published in The Wall Street Journal are in the file named Standing. These data provide the amount of time players spend standing around between plays for a sample of 60 NFL games.

a. Use the Standing data set to develop a point estimate of the number of minutes during an NFL game that players are standing around between plays. Compare this to the actual playing time reported in the article. Are you surprised?

b. what is the sample standard deviation?

c. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the number of minutes players spend standing around between plays.

Reference no: EM131456365

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