What is the sample population

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133616747


PICOT question: In hospitalized patients in the acute care setting(P), does conducting a bedside shift report in front of the patient, compared to a traditional report at the nurse's station (C), influence patient satisfaction (O) during their hospital stay (T)?

Please assist with finding 6 Scholarly sources from the last 4 years (No earlier than 2019) for the above question and the following information:

Purpose of the Study: Explain the purpose of the study.

  • Why was the study conducted? Consider including the research question, hypothesis, or specific aims of the study.
  • Why did you choose this article to address the PICOT question?

Population, Setting, or Both: Describe the population, the setting, or both of the study. Listing this will help you determine if it is in alignment with the question and project goals.

  • What is the sample population?
  • What is the setting of the study?

Conceptual Framework, Model, or Theory: Interpret the conceptual framework, model, or theory.

  • What was the theoretical basis of the study (if known)?
  • What did the author(s) base their study on, such as a specific EBP model?

Methodology or Design: Evaluate the methodology or design used to find the answer(s) to the question(s) asked. Review the methods that were used and determine if they appropriately fit the plan, based on your knowledge of methods from the readings.

  • What is the research design used by the author(s)?
  • What did the author(s) do to answer the question(s) asked?
  • Does the methodology or design align with the hypothesis or goal of the project?

Variables, Data Analysis, or Both: Evaluate how the variables were studied and measured. Note that this may include data analysis or statistics, depending on the source.

  • What variables (independent and dependent) are explored in the study?
  • How did the author(s) measure these variables based on type of statistics (just list the method used)?

Findings of the Study: Synthesize the findings of the study.

  • What was the conclusion of the study? Be sure to use specific statistical data and a short summary in your own words and not those of the author(s).
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses (at least one each) of the study?

Analysis: Summarize an analysis of the level of evidence and viability of the source.

  • What is the level of evidence for this source?
  • How does the source help answer your specific clinical question?

Reference no: EM133616747

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