What is the role or type of actor

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM133030942

Question: Your assignment is to prepare a briefing note.

A briefing paper is a clear, concise written analysis of a specific issue, which is commonly prepared by staff in a Minister's office.

For the assignment, your instructor is the Minister who is meeting with a constituent (voter). It is your job to inform the minister on the issue and its background so she is prepared to discuss the issue during the meeting. A briefing note is short (2 pages) because a minister often reads several of these in a day, and has a short time to prepare for the meeting.

Choose an Issue
Pick an issue that is current (since the start of the semester) and significant for Canadian politics.
• You may use one of the "Up for Debate" questions from the textbook as a starting point, or look for an issue in the news.
Please discuss your choice with your instructor prior to starting your research.


A minimum of 4 different sources of various types is required. Include each of the following:
1 Government document
2 News/media item
3 Press release from a Political party, interest group, non governmental organization
4 textbook
Do not rely on one source. Properly cite all research source material throughout your paper and list it on your reference page.
Analyze the issue by answering the questions
• what is the issue?
• why is it important?
• when is the time-frame of the issue (e.g. is there a date when the issue must be resolved or decided)?
• analyze the background and current situation of the issue using concepts/terms from class notes and the textbook
• who is impacted by the issue (the relevant actors)?
• What is the role or type of actor (government, political party, interest groups, IGO, NGO, MNC, individual)
• what is each actor's position on the issue?
• what are the possible outcomes, potential future developments or resolutions of the issue
• how can the issue be resolved
Briefing notes follow a specific format using headings and in-text citations.
• Length: 500 words.

The structure of the project:
- title page
- Your name and Lethbridge College ID, title of paper, course name and number, instructor's name, and date
- Introduction
- approximately 100 words
- Context
- approximately 300 words
- Outcomes
- approximately 100 words
- Reference page
The analysis must be written in your own words using appropriate references and in standard research essay format. Use in-text citations.

Assignments will be graded on depth of research, level of analysis, understanding of issue, format, and use of language (check the grading rubric for guidance).


The assignment focuses on applying the following skills:

1. critically evaluate research materials

2. conduct research using a variety of sources.

3. analyze material and clearly articulate ideas.

4. properly use and reference facts and ideas uncovered while conducting their research.

5. relate classroom material with a practical experience.

Reference no: EM133030942

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What is the role or type of actor : What are the possible outcomes, potential future developments or resolutions of the issue - how can the issue be resolved
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