What is the role of the project manager

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131895758 , Length: 7 pages

Question 1. Define and discuss Work Breakdown Structure, Critical Path Analysis, PERT charts and GANTT charts. Describe the role of each in determining scope, budgets, and schedules? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Can they be used together? What concerns might a PM have in basing decisions on these charts?

Question 2. What is the role of the project manager at each stage of the Project Management Life Cycle? What skills do you think are most important at each and why? What is the most important phase? Why?

Question 3. What are key groups of stakeholders? Pick two types of stakeholders and describe how you set expectations with each. What is the role of stakeholders and how can one manage stakeholders at each phase? What are some common mistakes that a project manager might make? What do you think are the most important practices and skills needed to successfully work with stakeholders?

Question 4. Are there cases when Project Management should not be used? Why? Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and potential impacts of using Project Management for small and large projects. What factors determine when it is required?

Question 5. What are the most important skills and abilities for a Project Manager to have? Are people and non-technical skills or technical skills more important? Why?

Reference no: EM131895758

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