Reference no: EM133751343
Determine Best-Fit Topologies for Wide
ASSESSMENT 1 - Knowledge Questions
Answer the following questions in brief.
Summarize the concept of Network Topology.
2. Explain the following types of networks.
Large LAN and Small LAN
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
3. Explain the IP address with an example.
4. Outline Packet Switching.
5. Outline the difference between routed and routable protocols.
6. What is the role of the operating system in determining the appropriate Network protocol while transferring the data from one end to the other?
7. Explain routing protocols and their applications.
8. Outline the features of the following routing protocols:
Routing Information Protocols.
Enhanced Interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP).
Open shorted path first (OSPF)
9. Outline the relationship between asynchronous and synchronous communication.
10. Explain the use of microwave and satellite communication in Networking.
11. Explain Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
12. Explain the concept of cyber security.
13. Explain the firewall and how it can be enhanced to boost cyber security.
14. Summarize the difference between Analog and Digital networks. Provide one example for each.
15. Outline the business growth projection and capacity planning considerations that should be taken care of when designing a new topology for a Wide Area Network.
16. Differentiate between high and low-speed links with an example for each and its relation to business requirements.
17. Explain the WAN Protocols that can be used in Wide Area Network WAN.
18. Explain what the redundancy path in a network and its significance in an enterprise network are.
19. Explain the significance of response time and reliability requirements for Enterprise WAN.
20. Why is it important to consider the business and network scope of operation while planning an enterprise WAN?
21. Explain at least 2 that can be used to ensure the security of an enterprise WAN with an example for each.
22. Explain how the traffic flow and traffic load affect the design of the enterprise WAN.
23. Outline why is it necessary to consider and access network applications and the end-users.
YUSA TECH Business Expansion
Part A- Determine the client's requirements and determine WAN Specification
Confirm client requirements.
You are required to meet with the client and discuss the following:
Confirm the existing networking environment.
Confirm the purpose expected network requirements.
Budget Allocation.
Determine WAN specification.
Now you are required to create a specification for the purposed Wide Area Network Yusa Tech. You should submit your design in the form of a Technical Report. Your report should include the following:
Introduction of the Report
Background of the project
Outline the current network.
Design Considerations and Assumptions (Including physical environment).
Available WAN network topology options.
Description of best-fit WAN topology for the purposed network.
Analysis of WAN needs with WAN Functional Matrix.
Hardware, Software, Service, and other Network elements that are required for setting up a new network along with their cost and suppliers of each element identified. You should identify at least three suppliers for each element identified and suggest the best option as per the business requirement.
Estimated budget for the purposed topology.
Specification for the purpose network. Your specification with the aid of a Network diagram must specify the following:
LAN segment including WLAN for each branch. (Including the WLAN security)
VPN connection between the branches.
Routing protocols.
IP addressing schemes for each branch and segment of the network.
Network security components including firewalls.
redundant links in the proposed WAN connectivity for link backup purposes if the primary link is disrupted.
Required legislation, codes, company work practices, regulations, standards, and work health and safety (WHS) requirements for scoped work.
Available WAN Services and the best suitable service for the chosen organization.
Analysis and assessment of the current traffic status and likely future traffic demands, and analysis of the proposed design will satisfy forecasted traffic demands.
Justification of how the proposed design will meet performance requirements such as data load, traffic flow patterns bandwidth, security, data encryption, and internal and external interference avoidance.