Reference no: EM13762290
I want to need six Discussions. Each questions three. You can give the answer below instruction and also you can give the question answer too. Here I attached Example file. Please see it and I hope, you will clear about the discussion.
Please don't make copy. It must be in your own words.
1) Defining Prose Narrative (graded) Poetry, drama, essays, and prose fiction are all made of words. Let's begin by examining how prose differs from other genres of writing?
As the week progresses, we will explore the following questions: • How do setting, description, and plot contribute to theme? • How is character developed? • What is the role of the narrator (and the omniscient narrator)? • Why should we believe (or disbelieve) in the narrator's ability to give us the truth? Make it three comments in your own words. 1. Comments: four to five lines 2. Comments: four to five lines 3. Comments: four to five lines
2) The Critical Mind (graded) Literary criticism requires one to look through, behind, beyond, underneath, and above the text. It requires skepticism, sensitivity to language, and a deep understanding of contextual issues. How might you apply the habits of the "well-tempered critic" to ordinary life? For example, is the news a literary text or a text that might be read critically? Is society a text? Are you yourself a text that might be scrutinized, "read," and held up to critical inspection? Are the tools of the critic useful to business, ethics, family, work, and the self in society?
Make it three comments in your own words. 1. Comments: four to five lines 2. Comments: four to five lines 3. Comments: four to five lines.
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