Reference no: EM131030956
Assignment: Vodcast - oral presentation
You will have the opportunity to describe the pathophysiology and management outline for a person/client with stroke/CVA. We would like you to show your understanding by making explicit the links between pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and pharmacological
management of your person/client's disease. Your answers to these questions will be used to grade the ‘content' section of your Vodcast assignment (worth 20 marks - refer to the marking guide in the Unit Outline). To see the breakdown of marking for the ‘presentation' section of your Vodcast refer to page 13 in the unit outline, which accounts for the other 20 marks for this assessment.
- This assessment task requires you to make a 5 minute power-point presentation, not more than 50 MB (written text and pictures/diagrams to explain) with your own voice about stroke.
- Vodcast has to be about a specific ‘person/client' who has developed stroke and required to answer a series of specific questions that relate to occurrence of stroke to your ‘person/client'.
- The oral presentation/Vodcast assessment is worth 20% and marked out of 40 so 1 mark represents 0.5%.
In the first minute of your Vodcast you need to set the scene - tell us about your person/client. Then proceed to answer the following questions. Your response to the following content questions should be appropriate for the client you have described.
You must answer the questions below:
1. Brain Blood supply:
How does blood normally reach the brain?
What is the functional significance of Circle of Willis?
What do you mean by collateral blood flow and its impact on stroke?
Choose TWO of the above to demonstrate underlying issues about brain blood supply and its relation to stroke.
2. Stroke Pathophysiology:
Explain the pathophysiology of stoke with the two major types- which type/pathophysiology is implicated in your client?
List the major risk factors for stroke in relation to pathological changes. Explain which of those risk factors are mainly implicated in your client?
Choose ONE of above and explain how these pathological changes arise in your person/client (ie. the pathophysiology).
3. The clinical manifestations of stroke:
- sudden weakness (hemiparesis) to paralysis that can affect the arm and leg of one side of the body
- sensory deficit; numbness/loss of sensation of one side of body
- weakness of the face, causing facial drooping
- severe headache and confusion
- dimness or loss of vision or diplopia
- difficulty speaking and communicating (dysarthria ,aphasia)
- swallowing may be affected
- dizziness and loss of muscle coordination or balance
- severe stroke associated with lose consciousness or seizures
Why are the consequences of stroke so varied? Explain.
Choose ONE of these clinical manifestations from above that is evident in your client and relate to the underlying pathophysiology for your person/client.
The following drugs/procedure are used in the management of stroke-
Thrombolytic agents
Choose TWO that are appropriate for your person/client. Discuss why it can be used by your person/client by referring to the drug's mechanism of action.
You must answer TWO of the 4 questions below:
1. Why is early diagnosis and treatment crucial to the effective management of stroke?
2. Would you expect your client to make a complete recovery with a full return of function; explain your answer.
3. Explain why it is important to control the existing risk factors in your client for prevention of further stroke?
4. What is the role of smoking in the aetiology of stroke (if your client was a smoker)
For example: You may have used the following journal article: Pilcher, J. and Beasley, R. (2015) Acute use of oxygen therapy. Australian Prescriber 38:98-100. I used this article to examine the use of oxygen therapy for stroke patient.